Must be retired or working less than half-time (twenty hours or less)
Must be PA residents and live in the Altoona service area of the following counties: Blair, Bedford, Cambria, Huntingdon, or Somerset
Tuition benefit is limited to a single one-, three-, or four-credit course per semester on a space available basis.
Tuition benefit applies only to courses numbered 001 through 399. (Any 400-level course may be taken at the current tuition rate.)
Course enrollment is for audit only. (No degrees or certificates can be earned as a Go-60 participant.)
Participants are not able to enroll in the same course more than one time.
Participants are not able to enroll in courses that have a travel component.
Participants must be a non-degree student
Participants must meet any course prerequisites
Participants are expected to follow established rules, regulations, and procedures applicable to all students
Participants will be responsible for any University fees as well as any additional costs associated with the course, including textbooks, materials, etc.
All costs of attendance elements can be viewed on the University Budget Office's Tuition and Fees Schedules page by selecting the appropriate campus location.